Interview by Nick Smith

A few weeks a go I was interviewed by Nick Smith, about being an Expert. Nick's the type of guy who helps people find direction by setting goals and motivating them through his proven techniques and passion for life.You can listen to the interview here.Throughout the interview I was asked quite a few questions about my cycling career and what it took to become a professional. Many of the questions Nick asked helped me reflect on my past and how much work it's actually taken to be a competitive cyclist. There are a lot of things I've sacrificed in life just so I can ride my bike. Because of this I'm sure there are opportunities I've missed or and folks I could have met that would have made me a better person in one way or another. But in the same breath, I don't think I'd change it for the world. From the places I've been and trails I've ridden to those I have met throughout my cycling career, I feel very fortunate to be where I am today.I've had the opportunity to race against some of the fastest cyclist in the world, both past and present. I've made friends and contacts along the way who's kindness will last a lifetime. But more importantly, I've learned a lot about myself and the true person I am inside. As much as cycling means to me, it's really just another thing I enjoy doing. Racing happens to fall into the mix from time to time and success will come and go. That's my general attitude. I do it because I love it. I tend to have a pretty casual attitude about bike racing and I think that's what's helped me to stay in the game for longer.I'm personally indebted to those who have supported me from day one. To those who have shouted "GO KDAY" from the sidelines and to those who have made big impacts on cycling through their knowledge and innovations. There are a number of you out there that I adore and look up to.Thank you for contributing to my life.




The 4th-6th story