here we go again

Well, tomorrow begins one of those events I’m not entirely ready for. I don’t claim to be much of a runner but it is something I find my self doing from time to time. Mainly from Fall-Spring. It’s great “off season” training and easier to do when the weather is unfavorable. Plus, the time commitment isn’t nearly as bad as cycling in the cold. Like most mountain bike riders, I prefer a trail run over the pavement, but either way, it’s quick and easy to get out. In addition to all this, it’s great time spent with Kashi.So, with all my running muscles in prime condition (insert big sarcastic laugh) I’m once again participating in the Wasatch Back Relay. I’m pretty excited because it’s events like this, which can be found all over the globe and in basically every cool, endurance sport. Like 24hour mountain bike racing, there’s a team/social aspect that really draws me in. It’s usually a good chance to hang out with good friends and or family and to support a bunch of other enthusiastic, like-minded athletes. The hard part of it this year will be the lack of my best friend on the team. For good reasons, S-DAY pulled the plug and found a substitute. Looking back, it may have been a good idea for me to do the same. Timing is everything. While I’m out running from Logan to Park City with thousands of others, she’ll be home with the kids, up to her eyeballs in boxes, trying to make sense and organize our new place. Sorry, Shan.The next hard part about this weekend will be, the running aspect. Like I mentioned before… I like running, I do it from time to time, but lately I’ve been way more motivated to spend any extra time I have, on the bike. That was sort-of my plan only I’d mix a few runs in here and there, just to keep the running legs awake. That hasn’t really happened. So, I expect that during the race and while I’m running, I’ll be fine. I’ll do what I did last time and run fast. As fast as I can, just to get it all over with. But after, I know the legs will be screaming. I’ll have issues walking and probably won’t do much running until this Fall. But you can bet I’ll be back on the bicycle, stretching out those busted up running muscles and getting back to the real good stuff.


get crushed


bicycle sounds