Kids Summer Camps

The Sportsplex in Kaysville, is now signing up little groms for their Summer Camps. If you're in the Davis County area and are looking to get some sport specific training for the little ones, check it out. They have camps for the following sports: Baseball, Basketball, Cheer, Football, Lacrosse, Multi-Sport, Soccer and Volleyball. In addition to the individual camps, they also offer Speed and Agility training that go hand in hand with any of the Summer Camps.My nephew is currently enrolled in the Speed and Agility Training. According to his mom, it's been a really good program for improving his overall speed and coordination. He's quite the athlete already. I may have stop by and take some notes during the classes so I don't get schooled when we play a little soccer.The classes are for elementary age kids and offered 3 times each week and cost $29.95 per class. Speed and Agility training is an additional $10.00. Take advantage of early registration and save. Participants take part in an award ceremony and family barbecue at the end of each camp session.


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