Super woman

There are times in life when I find myself in total amazement. Whether it be a particular event, a new place, or just something so awe inspiring that I can't seem to muster up the words to describe it. Sometimes it's more than just and event or a place on the map. It has often been the opportunity to meet amazing people or be surrounded by the best of friends. In this case, it happens to be the opportunity I have to share my life with someone extremely great. Someone whose efforts are inspiring and desire to accomplish are truly beyond any of my abilities.

"Most people take every opportunity to make an excuse... I'm making every excuse to take and opportunity."

The one I'm talking about is SDAY. Over the past few years she has truly turned her life around in so many ways. She's an entirely new person and has an amazing outlook on life. In the balance of being a wonderful mom, taking care of the dog and cat, doing all the house work and keeping food on the table; she also puts up with me.Just the other day, SDAY and two of her awesome friends headed to the pool for some laps. Between them they had like a bazillion kids to take care of so they took shifts in the pool and watching the kids. Well done ladies! SDAY started it off by packing Layla up in the Chariot and pedaling to the pool, swimming the laps and then pedaling back home. I think she even went for a run with the Kashi that day as well.From early morning runs to late night cleaning efforts, to pulling off everything in between; this triathlete-supermom is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Thank you SDAY. Keep up the outstanding work and know that I'm supporting you 100%.


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