Dumonde Tech lube
Hopefully most of you are familiar with Dumonde Tech bicycle products. They bring to the work bench a solid lineup of lubes, grease, oils and solvent. Top grade products to keep every bike running smooth, clean and fast. This season I've had the opportunity to work directly with them and test out a few of their different products. After running my bikes through nearly every element possible here on the Wasatch front, I'm pleased to report that I've never used a better setup of lubes and oils as what Dumonde has to offer.First up was the G-10 Bio-Green, chain lube. I had pretty good success with this lube during some early spring rides on the shoreline and in Southern Utah, but I wanted to see how it would hold up during an endurance event. The 12 Hours of Mesa Verde was the perfect stage to see what it could do. The morning of the race I made sure my chain was degreased and cleaned up in order for the test to be legit. I applied an even coat to the chan and set out to get some laps in with my team. I started out team out with lap #1, which probably took in the most dust and debre as it was a mass start. About an hour later I rolled in, chain still smooth and quiet.I like a clean bike for each lap and fully support wiping off the chain and reapplying lube for each lap, but this time I didn't apply the lube. I pounded out two more laps of the dry, Cortez desert single track and by the end of the race, my chain was still running just as smooth and quiet as it was from the start.G-10 Bio-Green lube is 100% bio-degradable and 100% plant based. It's said to outperform and outlast pretty much any other lube on the market. I would have to fully agree with these claims. Bio-Green became a staple for my entire season. Races like the Crusher in the Tushar, Mt. Ogden 100K and PCP2P, my cain ran smoothly and stayed quiet throughout all of these events.The one draw-back to the Bio-Green lube was that it seemed to collect a bit more build up on my chain and derailleur pulleys than other Dumonde products I used. Note: This could also be user error on my part by over use during the application or not wiping off the excess lube well enough. Regardless, it's still my go to lube for any condition.
Next up, I wanted to try something for the suspension legs on my fork. I've used other brands in the past, with great success for about the first 20 min. Dumonde Tech offers a product called Liquid Grease. Liquid Grease is pretty diverse in that it's not only ment to use on fork legs but has applications such as: steel and ceramic cartridge bearing, full suspension pivots, cables, wheel bearings and roller bearing. It's pretty much a must have for any tool box.Using the Liquid Grease on my fork legs is now a common practice for me. After every thorough cleaning, I like to drip a few drops on the sanctions, wipe it round with my finger, compress the fork a few times then wipe off the excess. This made a huge difference in my suspension performance and also helps prevent small abrasions over time.Most people are probably more familiar with Dumonde Tech's Lite and Original formula lubes. With these, I'd recommend using the Lite formula on your road bike and the original for your mountain and cx bikes. Both work amazingly well and from my experience, have way less buildup on the chain and pulleys that other lubes on the market and even the Bio-Green lube.To sum it up, Dumonde Tech lubes are top quality, 100% the only lubes I choose to use on my bikes. And I'm not alone. Another Utah All Star who's parts are lubed by Dumonde. Ever heard of this him?