Velo Park

As I'm sure you've heard the news, received an email or even been a part of the initial planning... it seems as though it's a reality. The Velo Park in Draper has been making its way through the books for some time now, and from the sounds of it, it's going to happen. Check out the Proposed Draper_Cycle_Park_Nov_2010 here.

As the cycling community in Utah grows, so does the demand for places to ride. Draper city has set the bar with it's mountain bike trail network in Corner Canyon and is raising it to a whole new level with the Velo Park. Wouldn't it be nice if all the city's along the Wasatch could step up to Draper's example by making our communities much more cycling friendly! I'm not talking about building velodromes in every city or even a designated crit or cx courses. I'm talking about connecting shoreline trails, and bike paths. Adding a few more trails with bike park style features and making the systems connect to one another. It could happen. It just takes a little work on your part to get the community and those who use the trails involved.

Check with your local city or government officials. Find out what their plans are for cyclists or trails and bike paths. Chances are they have one but there's not enough response or push behind the plans to get them in the works. Do yourself and your fellow cyclists and get involved. Cycling Advocacy is the key and being a part of or at least getting attention to future plans is sometimes all it takes.

For an interesting look at track racing, check this out.


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